Rachel Clinkard, from family footwear retailer Charles Clinkard, shares her tips for dressing your family for an outdoor photoshoot, including advice on picking shoes, co-ordinating your outfits, and what to wear in wintry weather. 

If you’re planning an outdoor family photoshoot you might be wondering what everyone should wear. Your outfits are obviously a key part of the shoot — after all, you want your family to look their best in the pictures. But, you probably don't want your photos to look too staged or unnatural, which can make it hard to get the balance between smart and casual just right. There's also the issue of our Great British weather to consider: to look great in the pictures, everyone needs to feel warm and comfortable on the day of the shoot.  

All in all, there's quite a lot to think about! To help you out, I'll share my top tips for picking the perfect outfits for the whole family. 

Dress for the weather 

For winter months, you'll need to make sure any outfits you pick are suitable for the weather. You want everyone to feel comfortable and relaxed for the shoot, as  your little ones are unlikely to want to spend much time posing for photographs if they feel cold — tantrums are never a good look in family photos! So, make sure their clothing offers protection against the elements, while also looking cute. Remember that any coats, scarves or other layers will at least partially cover your outfit, so choose outerwear and accessories with care. 

In terms of shoes, you'll need to make sure that any you pick will be appropriate for the weather, as well as looking the part in your photos. If it's going to be wet, icy, or muddy at all in your shooting location, be sure to pick sturdy shoes or boots with substantial soles that will provide plenty of grip. If it's a very wet and muddy day (not unheard of in this country!) then you can always consider wearing some wellies in a matching colour, which can bring a fun touch to your photos. Thick, insulative socks (or thick woollen tights) will also ensure everyone's feet stay nice and toasty on chilly days. 

You'll be on your feet quite a lot during your shoot, so it’s also important that everyone's footwear is comfortable and supportive. So, avoid wearing very high heels, and make sure your children's shoes fit them properly. If your little one will be wearing brand new shoes to the shoot, it’s always sensible to make sure they wear the shoes beforehand to gently break them in — this can prevent tears and tantrums if their footwear rubs or pinches.  

Co-ordinate colours and styles 

You want to look like a tight-knit family in your photos, so it's a good idea to choose outfits with a few matching elements. Picking an accent colour and working this into your outfits can provide continuity and a sense of closeness, without looking too staged or forced. Plus, it will mean you don't need to buy an entirely new outfit for every member of the family — just one or two key pieces will be enough. For example, if you pick a deep, golden yellow as your accent colour, then you could buy a new scarf for your yourself, an accessory like a hairbow or hat for each of your children, and a t-shirt for your partner. This will be enough to create a cohesive look without going OTT. 

In terms of footwear, it doesn't matter whether you decide to go formal or casual — just try to make sure the style and formality of your shoes is consistent across every member of the family. It will look quite unusual if one person is wearing super smart dress shoes, and someone else is wearing an old pair of trainers, so try to at least match each other in terms of formality. Pay careful attention to the cleanliness of your shoes, too: any scuffs or dirt will show up in your photos, so give them a good brush and polish the night before. 

Go for timeless looks 

You'll no doubt want to treasure your family photographs for the rest of your life. So, when choosing outfits, it’s very important to go for timeless clothing and footwear that's going to stand the test of time. That fluffy faux fur coat or branded slogan T-shirt might be all the rage right now, but you might just look back in ten years' time and wonder what you were thinking! Instead, look for plain, classic clothing and shoes that don't have any highly visible logos, slogans, or brand names. This way, the outfits in your photos won't date as quickly. 

I'd also advise avoiding very bold or colourful prints and patterns. While these might look great in person, they can be overwhelming in photographs, and will distract attention from other members of the family. So, opt for block colours and plain clothing that allow everyone's features to stand out. 

Don't forget the small details 

The last thing you want is to show up on the day of the big shoot only to discover that your child has worn their favourite pair of Christmas novelty socks, and they're going to be clearly visible in all your photos. The smaller details of an outfit, like socks or hair accessories, can be easy to overlook, but get it wrong and they'll stick out like a sore thumb in your photographs. So, be especially careful and oversee every aspect of your child's clothing. This will ensure that no fashion faux pas manage to sneak into your photos. 

Think about where the finished photos will be placed in your home 

Your finished photos are going to take pride of place in your home, so make sure your outfits will match the colour palette of the room where you plan to display them. It’s a good idea to pick one accent colour from the space where you plan to hang your family portrait, and then use this as the inspiration for your outfits. You can also speak with Sara about your desired colour palette, as she will be able to help pick backgrounds and scenery that fit your chosen aesthetic. 

If you want to place photos from your shoot all over the house, chat to Sara about how your home is decorated and your tastes in general and she will help you work out a colour palette to match your décor. 

The clothing you wear during a family photoshoot can have a big impact on the look and feel of your finished portraits, so it's important to choose them with care. Take these tips on board when putting your outfits together, and you and your family will be sure to shine in your photos. 

A note from Sara:
Thank you to Rachel Clinkard for providing these super tips.
For other tips on outdoors photoshoot outfit planning, click here; for more tips on general outfit planing including for studio shoots, click here.


